Credit Hour and Duration for Postgraduate Programmes

Master’s programs in Telecommunication Engineering involve around 36 credit hours and generally take one and half year of full-time


  • Bachelor degree or above in a Computer Science, Electrical/Electronic Engineering or related field.
  • Candidates with other degrees are welcome to apply provided they can demonstrate appropriate levels of experience

Grading System:

University Grant Commission (UGC), the highest regulatory body of the Universities of Bangladesh. It is also responsible to maintain and ensure the quality of higher education. For this purpose, the UGC has prescribed a uniform grading system for the universities to follow. World University of Bangladesh follows the grading system recommended by UGC.

Interval Grade Points Grades
80-100 4.00 A+ (Plus)
75-79 3.75 A (Regular)
70-74 3.50 A- (Minus)
65-69 3.25 B+ (Plus)
60-64 3.00 B (Regular)
55-59 2.75 B- (Minus)
50-54 2.50 C+ (Plus)
45-49 2.25 C (Regular)
40-44 2.00 D (Regular)
Less than 40 0.00 F
Incomplete I
Withheld W